Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 37: GOVERNMENT NOTICES

September 14, 2024



Publication of draft strategy to replace, reduce or refine vertebrate animal testing under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

This notice is to inform people in Canada that the Government of Canada has published a draft strategy to guide the replacement, reduction or refinement of vertebrate animal testing under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA).

This strategy will guide future Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada efforts aimed at achieving the goal of replacing, reducing or refining the use of vertebrate animal testing under CEPA in an iterative and progressive manner when and where possible (i.e. to the extent practicable and scientifically justified).

Five elements are proposed in the draft strategy. They include identification and prioritization of new approach methods, which include alternative methods to animal toxicity testing, for regulatory needs, advancement of research and data generation, promotion of harmonization and collaboration, communication and consultation with stakeholders, and implementation in CEPA regulatory programs. The efforts proposed in the strategy will guide and promote the use of scientifically justified alternative approaches that replace, reduce or refine the use of vertebrate animals in toxicity testing whenever possible under CEPA.

Public comment period

Comments on this notice can be provided during the next 60 calendar days ending November 13, 2024.

Comments on this notice may be submitted to Details on submitting comments and key questions to guide feedback are available on the consultation landing page.

Tim Singer
Director General
Environmental and Radiation Health Sciences Directorate
Health Canada

Jacqueline Gonçalves
Director General
Science Reporting and Assessment Directorate
Environment and Climate Change Canada


Appointment opportunities

We know that our country is stronger — and our government more effective — when decision-makers reflect Canada’s diversity. The Government of Canada has implemented an appointment process that is transparent and merit-based, strives for gender parity, and ensures that Indigenous peoples and minority groups are properly represented in positions of leadership. We continue to search for Canadians who reflect the values that we all embrace: inclusion, honesty, fiscal prudence, and generosity of spirit. Together, we will build a government as diverse as Canada.

We are equally committed to providing a healthy workplace that supports one’s dignity, self-esteem and the ability to work to one’s full potential. With this in mind, all appointees will be expected to take steps to promote and maintain a healthy, respectful and harassment-free work environment.

The Government of Canada is currently seeking applications from diverse and talented Canadians from across the country who are interested in the following positions.

Current opportunities

The following opportunities for appointments to Governor in Council positions are currently open for applications. Every opportunity is open for a minimum of two weeks from the date of posting on the Governor in Council appointments website.

Governor in Council appointment opportunities
Position Organization Closing date
Director Bank of Canada  
Chairperson Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation  
Chairperson Canada Industrial Relations Board  
Vice-Chairperson Canada Industrial Relations Board  
Chairperson Canada Infrastructure Bank  
Director Canada Lands Company Limited  
Director Canadian Air Transport Security Authority  
Director Canadian Commercial Corporation  
Director Canadian Energy Regulator  
President Canadian Institutes of Health Research  
Director Canadian Race Relations Foundation  
Director Canadian Tourism Commission  
Chairperson Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police  
Vice-Chairperson Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police  
Member Copyright Board  
Director Defence Construction (1951) Limited  
Executive Head Employment Insurance Board of Appeal  
Member Employment Insurance Board of Appeal October 24, 2024
Regional Coordinator Employment Insurance Board of Appeal September 19, 2024
President Export Development Canada  
Vice-Chairperson Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board  
Commissioner Financial Consumer Agency of Canada  
Commissioner First Nations Tax Commission  
Director (Federal) Halifax Port Authority  
Member Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada  
Chairperson National Advisory Council on Poverty  
Member (Children’s Issues) National Advisory Council on Poverty  
Member National Arts Centre Corporation  
Member National Seniors Council  
Member Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council  
Member Net-Zero Advisory Body  
Canadian Representative North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization  
Commissioner of Official Languages Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages for Canada  
Ombudsperson for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces Office of the Ombudsperson for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces  
Senate Ethics Officer Office of the Senate Ethics Officer  
Director Sept-Îles Port Authority  
Administrator Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund and Fund for Railway Accidents Involving Designated Goods  
Chief Statistician Statistics Canada  
Co-chair Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council  
Member Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council  
Chairperson VIA Rail Canada Inc.  
Chairperson Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority