Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 158, Number 17: COMMISSIONS

April 27, 2024



Revocation of registration of a charity

The following notice of proposed revocation was sent to the charity listed below for failure to meet the parts of the Income Tax Act as listed in this notice:

“Notice is hereby given, pursuant to paragraphs 168(1)(b) and 168(1)(e), and subsection 149.1(2) of the Income Tax Act, that I propose to revoke the registration of the charity listed below and that by virtue of paragraph 168(2)(b) thereof, the revocation of registration is effective on the date of publication of this notice in the Canada Gazette.”
Business number Name / Address

Sharmila Khare
Director General
Charities Directorate



Notice No. HA-2024-001

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal will hold a public hearing to consider the appeal referenced below. This hearing will be held via videoconference. Interested persons planning to attend should contact the Tribunal at 613‑993‑3595 or at at least two business days before the commencement of the hearing to register and to obtain further information.

Customs Act
Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited v. President of the Canada Border Services Agency
Date of Hearing May 28, 2024
Appeal No. AP-2023-017
Good in Issue Echelon Reflect touchscreen connected fitness mirror
Issues The first issue is whether the good in issue is properly classified under tariff item 8528.59.30 as other monitors, with flat panel screen, as determined by the President of the Canada Border Services Agency, or should be classified under tariff item 9506.91.00 as "other articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics or athletics", as claimed by Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited. In the alternative, Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited has claimed that the good in issue should be classified under tariff item 8471.60.00 as "input or output units, whether or not containing storage units in the same housing" or under tariff item 8528.52.00 as "other monitors capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 84.71". The second issue is whether the good in issue is entitled to the benefit of tariff item 9948.00.00 as "articles for use in […] goods of heading 84.71", as claimed by Canada Tire Corporation, Limited.
Tariff Items at Issue

Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited—9506.91.00, 8471.60.00, 8528.52.00 and 9948.00.00

President of the Canada Border Services Agency—8528.59.30



Construction and building materials

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has received a complaint (File PR-2024-002) from 15325668 Canada Limited d.b.a. Synergy (Synergy) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, concerning a procurement (Solicitation 5P126-230074/B) made by the Department of Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) on behalf of the Parks Canada Agency. The solicitation was for the provision of building materials to be used in the construction of three cabins. Pursuant to subsection 30.13(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and subsection 7(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations, notice is given that the Tribunal made a decision on April 15, 2024, to conduct an inquiry into the complaint.

Synergy alleges that PWGSC erroneously declared its bid to be non-responsive.

Further information may be obtained from the Registry, 613‑993‑3595 (telephone), (email).

Ottawa, April 15, 2024



Office furniture

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has received a complaint (File PR-2023-064) from Global Total Office (GTO) of Toronto, Ontario, concerning a procurement (solicitation W6863-11-161) made by the Department of National Defence (DND). The solicitation was for the provision and installation of office furniture. Pursuant to subsection 30.13(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and subsection 7(2) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Procurement Inquiry Regulations, notice is given that the Tribunal made a decision on March 21, 2024, to conduct an inquiry into the complaint.

GTO alleges that DND privately issued the solicitation to three bidders instead of publicly posting it; that the Request for Quotation (RFQ) explicitly referred to specific Supply Arrangements (SA) but did not include direction concerning product specifications or Government of Canada identification codes (GoCUID); that the RFQ was issued, evaluated, and awarded in a manner where both SA were not separated; that a contract was awarded to GTO, but was subsequently rescinded because the solicitation was ceased; and that the regret letters to competing bidders exposed GTO’s total bid price, which resulted in an unfair and prejudiced second procurement process.

Further information may be obtained from the Registry, 613‑993‑3595 (telephone), (email).

Ottawa, March 21, 2024



International Joint Commission Reference regarding water pollution in the Elk-Kootenay/i watershed

Pursuant to Article IX of the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 and by way of letters dated March 8, 2024, the Governments of Canada and the United States provided a reference to the International Joint Commission (IJC) that incorporates a proposal developed in partnership with the Ktunaxa Nation requesting that the IJC undertake certain actions regarding the impacts of transboundary water pollution in the Elk Kootenay/i watershed.

In accordance with the reference, the IJC will take some actions. First, it will assist the governments of the United States, Canada, and the Ktunaxa Nation, along with the states of Montana and Idaho and the Province of British Columbia, to establish a governance body and develop a Terms of Reference by June 30, 2024. The IJC will provide its insights and expertise concerning these Terms of Reference and structure of the governance body and will also serve in a secretariat role, providing continued advice and assistance to that entity for a minimum of two years. Second, the IJC will establish a study board within six months to conduct transparent and coordinated transboundary data and knowledge sharing to support a common understanding of pollution within the Elk-Kootenay/i watershed and the impacts of that pollution on people and species. The study board will submit a final report and recommendations, including recommendations of areas for further study, within two years after the establishment of the study board. The IJC invites interested persons to request to be added to the IJC’s mailing list to be kept updated on activities with respect to this reference. The IJC will seek opportunities for public engagement and will make its reports available in a transparent, publicly available format.


Paul Allen
Telephone: 613‑222‑1475

Ed Virden
United States
Telephone: 202‑372‑7990

General questions, comments, and requests to be added to the IJC mailing list:

Supplementary information

The Elk River rises in the Canadian Rockies and flows into the United States at Lake Koocanusa, an impoundment of the Kootenay / Kootenai River. It then flows through the states of Montana and Idaho, and transboundary Ktunaxa lands, en route to the province of British Columbia.

The documents related to the reference can be found on the IJC website.

The International Joint Commission was established under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 to help the United States and Canada prevent and resolve disputes over the use of the waters the two countries share. The Commission’s responsibilities include investigating and reporting on issues of concern when asked by the governments of the two countries. For more information, visit the IJC website.

April 20, 2024

Christopher Wilkie
Secretary, Canadian Section



Permission and leave granted (Arsenault, Veronique)

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to section 116 of the Public Service Employment Act, hereby gives notice that it has granted permission, pursuant to subsection 114(4) of the said Act, to Veronique Arsenault, Manager, Benefits Delivery Modernization, Employment and Social Development Canada, to seek nomination as a candidate, before and during the election period, and to be a candidate before the election period in the provincial election in the electoral district of Miramichi East, New Brunswick. The election is expected to be held on or before October 21, 2024.

The Public Service Commission of Canada, pursuant to subsection 114(5) of the said Act, has also granted a leave of absence without pay during the election period, effective the first day the employee is a candidate during the election period.

March 25, 2024

Michael Morin
Acting Vice-President
Policy and Communications Sector