Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Under Subsection 23(1) of the Species at Risk Act (Chestnut-collared Longspur and Nine Other Wildlife Species): SI/2023-75

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 157, Number 25

SI/2023-75 December 6, 2023


Order Acknowledging Receipt of the Assessments Done Under Subsection 23(1) of the Species at Risk Act (Chestnut-collared Longspur and Nine Other Wildlife Species)

P.C. 2023-1166 November 24, 2023

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, acknowledges receipt, on the making of this Order, of the assessments done under subsection 23(1) of the Species at Risk Act footnote a by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) with respect to the wildlife species set out in the annexed schedule.


Endangered Species


Longspur, Chestnut-collared (Calcarius ornatus)
Plectrophane à ventre noir


Moth, Reversed Haploa (Haploa reversa)
Haploa inversé


Goldenrod, Gillman’s (Solidago gillmanii)
Verge d’or de Gillman


Yoke-moss, Slender (Zygodon gracilis)
Houppe gracile

Threatened Species


Mantleslug, Carolina (Philomycus carolinianus)
Limace à manteau de la Caroline

Special Concern


Snake, Plains Hog-nosed (Heterodon nasicus)
Couleuvre à groin des plaines


Moth, Manitoba Oakworm (Anisota manitobensis)
Anisote du Manitoba


Draba, Puvirnituq Mountain (Draba puvirnituqii)
Drave des monts de Puvirnituq


(This note is not part of the Order.)


The Order acknowledges receipt by the Governor in Council (GIC) of the assessments regarding the status of 10 wildlife species (listed in Annex 1) that were conducted by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), pursuant to subsection 23(1) of the Species at Risk Act (SARA).


The objective of this Order is to establish the nine-month timeline set out in subsection 27(1.1) of SARA for the GIC to either add the species identified in COSEWIC’s report to the List of Wildlife Species at Risk (the List), decide not to add the species to the List, or to refer the matter back to COSEWIC for further information or consideration.


The purposes of SARA are to prevent wildlife species from becoming extirpated or extinct, provide for the recovery of extirpated, endangered or threatened species, and manage species of special concern to prevent them from becoming endangered or threatened.

COSEWIC was formed as an independent scientific body in 1977 with a mandate to provide a single, official, scientifically sound, national classification of wildlife species at risk in Canada. COSEWIC provides the Minister with assessments of the status of Canadian wildlife species.

COSEWIC has completed assessments for the 10 species undertaken pursuant to subsection 23(1) of SARA.


Of the 10 COSEWIC assessments respecting the status of wildlife species included in this Order, nine are new assessments and one is a reassessment that reclassifies a species already on the List under Schedule 1 of SARA.

In response to these assessments, the Minister will propose a second order (the Listing Order), which will include a recommendation to the GIC to amend the List in accordance with COSEWIC’s recommended designations for the species. The proposed Listing Order will be published, along with the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS), in the Canada Gazette, Part I, for a comment period of 30 days.

Before making final listing recommendations for the species to the GIC, the Minister will take into consideration comments and any additional information received following the publication of the proposed Order and the RIAS in Part I of the Canada Gazette. Pursuant to subsection 27(1.1) of SARA, upon receiving the Minister’s recommendation, the GIC may (1) accept the assessment and add the species to the List; (2) decide not to add the species to the List; or (3) refer the matter back to COSEWIC for further information or consideration.

Should the GIC not make its decision within nine months after receiving an assessment of the status of a species by COSEWIC, the Minister shall, by order, amend the List in accordance with COSEWIC’s recommended designation for the species, in accordance with subsection 27(3) of SARA.


Consultations were undertaken in relation to the species that are the subject of this Order in the context of the regulatory process for the listing of these species. Initial pre-regulatory consultations with interested stakeholders and members of the public took place from December 2, 2020, to April 2, 2021, in relation to the recommended listing status for the 10 species. The results of these consultations will be summarized in the RIAS that will accompany the proposed Listing Order.


Paula Brand
Species at Risk Act Policy Division
Wildlife Management Directorate
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1‑800‑668‑6767
Email: LEPreglementations-SARAregulations@ec.gc.ca

Annex I: COSEWIC assessments for 10 terrestrial species received by the Governor in Council
Taxon Species Scientific Name Range

Species proposed for addition to Schedule 1 (9)

Endangered (5)

Molluscs Shagreen Inflectarius inflectus Ontario
Molluscs Toothed Globe Mesodon zaletus Ontario
Arthropods Reversed Haploa Moth Haploa reversa Ontario
Plants Gillman’s Goldenrod Solidago gillmanii Ontario
Mosses Slender Yoke-moss Zygodon gracilis British Columbia
Threatened (1)
Molluscs Carolina Mantleslug Philomycus carolinianus Ontario
Special Concern (3)
Reptiles Plains Hog–nosed Snake Heterodon nasicus Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba
Arthropods Manitoba Oakworm Moth Anisota manitobensis Manitoba
Plants Puvirnituq Mountain Draba Draba puvirnituqii Quebec

Reclassifications: Up-list (1)

From Threatened to Endangered (1)

Birds Chestnut-collared Longspur Calcarius ornatus Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

Additional information on these species can be found on the Species at Risk Public Registry (section COSEWIC assessment and status reports).