Supplemental Benefits Received by Three Governor in Council Appointees Within the Department of Employment and Social Development Remission Order: SI/2023-67

Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 157, Number 23

SI/2023-67 November 8, 2023


P.C. 2023-1069 October 27, 2023

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, considering that the collection of certain supplemental benefits received in error is unreasonable and unjust, on the recommendation of the Treasury Board, the Minister of Employment and Social Development and the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development makes the annexed Supplemental Benefits Received by Three Governor in Council Appointees Within the Department of Employment and Social Development Remission Order under subsection 23(2.1)footnote a of the Financial Administration Actfootnote b.

Supplemental Benefits Received by Three Governor in Council Appointees Within the Department of Employment and Social Development Remission Order


1 Remission of the supplemental benefits received due to administrative error by three Governor in Council appointees within the Department of Employment and Social Development is granted to those appointees with respect to the following positions and the following periods:


(This note is not part of the Order.)

The Governor in Council, finding that it is unreasonable and unjust to collect the debt, makes the Supplemental Benefits Received by Three Governor in Council Appointees Within the Department of Employment and Social Development Remission Order pursuant to subsection 23(2.1) of the Financial Administration Act.

The Order remits the debts unknowingly incurred by two full-time appointees to the National Advisory Council on Poverty and by the full-time Chief Accessibility Officer as a result of administrative error and oversight.


Marianna Giordano
Senior Director
Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Division
Social Policy Directorate
Strategic and Service Policy Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada
Telephone: 613‑266‑6195

Marzieh Tafaghod
Executive Director
Programs and Regulations Division
Accessible Canada Directorate
Income Security and Social Development Branch
Employment and Social Development Canada
Telephone: 613‑617‑9943