Canada Gazette, Part II, Volume 154, Number 16: Index
August 5, 2020
SOR: Statutory Instruments (Regulations)
SI: Statutory Instruments (Other than Regulations) and Other Documents
The information in the index appears in the following order: regulations, statute(s), registration number, date, and comment.
- Cannabis Fees Order (Extension of Deadline for Payment of
2020–2021 Annual Fee) — Order Amending the
Cannabis Act
23/07/20 - Canadian Payments Act — By-law Amending Certain By-laws Made Under the
Canadian Payments Act
16/07/20 - Critical Habitat of the Nooksack Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae ssp.)
Order — Order Amending the
Species at Risk Act
24/07/20 - Employment Insurance Act (Employment Insurance Emergency Response Benefit) — Interim Order No. 6 Amending the
Employment Insurance Act
22/07/20 - Schedule to the First Nations Fiscal Management Act — Order Amending the
First Nations Fiscal Management Act