Vol. 148, No. 23 — November 5, 2014


SI/2014-93 November 5, 2014


Ron Adams Remission Order

P.C. 2014-1129 October 23, 2014

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, considering that the collection of the interest is unjust, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to subsection 23(2) (see footnote a) of the Financial Administration Act (see footnote b), remits interest in the amount of $8,765.57 calculated as of April 9, 2013, paid or payable under Part I of the Income Tax Act (see footnote c) by Ron Adams for a pre-1986 taxation year, and all relevant interest on that interest.


(This note is not part of the Order.)

This Order remits a portion of the interest, and all relevant interest thereon, paid or payable by Ron Adams in respect of a pre-1986 tax year.

Mr. Adams was unable to address his income tax debt due to financial difficulties. Interest charges have increased the debt to a level where paying it would cause continued extreme hardship for Mr. Adams.